Littlewick Information

Did you know that Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP’s) can deal with same day illnesses such as; chest infections, sore throats, rashes and earache?

Did you know that by booking appointments with ANP’s it will allow more GP appointments for complex and long term conditions? This means providing greater continuity of care.

Did you know that continuity of care is just as important to Littlewick staff as it is to patients? They have campaigned tirelessly for additional funding to try and achieve this.

Did you know that appointments can be cancelled by phone, text, email and SystmOnline?

Did you know that you can book a limited number of appointments via SystmOnline? Please ask for more details or visit the Online Services page of the website. You can also order repeat prescriptions and view your medical records

Did you know that you can register for text reminders?

Travel Information

Did you know that you can catch the Medilink bus from QMC to Nottingham City Hospital? This runs every few minutes between 8am – 6pm weekdays and is free to use.


Did you know that there is a wellbeing health worker who can help you to lose weight and look at your whole lifestyle?

Did you know that you can self-refer for a hearing test? Visit the self-referral section of the website. There are also appointments available at Littlewick – please book at reception.

Did you know that if you are under 55 and your hearing test shows that you require hearing aids, you can ask reception to arrange for a GP referral?

Did you know that patients can self-refer to podiatry at Ilkeston Community Hospital for certain conditions? Visit the self-referral section of the website for more information.

Did you know that if you are not eligible for podiatry services on the NHS, Tootsies run a service from Littlewick at a reduced cost?

Did you know that Citizens Advice Bureau come to Littlewick on a Monday? Appointments can be booked at reception.

Did you know that patients can self-refer to Talking Mental Health for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Counselling?

Did you know that patients can self-refer to Treetops for bereavement counselling and other services?

Did you know that if you register for Pharmacy First, certain over the counter medication can be obtained for free? This also applies if you have an exemption certificate or prepaid prescription card for adults